Genre: Animation, Adventure, & Comedy Director: Masaaki Yuasa Writers: (Novel by) Tomihiko Morimi, (Screenplay) Makoto Ueda Producer: Eunyoung Choi Editor: Akari Saito Key Animator: Shinya Ohira Music by: Michiru Ohshima Rated: PG-13 (Mild Nudity) A University Sophomore girl, ‘Otome’ has a long night partying while encountering interesting people who are all connected in a way. While ‘Otome’ has her own adventure, ‘Senpai’ an upperclassman who’s in love with ‘Otome’ and by any means try to seem like fate brought the two people together. --------------------------------------------------CONTAIN SOME SPOILERS--------------------------------------------------------
Just talking about what I like about Films, Video games, and TV Shows~