Genre: Animation, Action, & Comedy Director: Kenji Nagasaki Writers: (Manga) Kouhei Horikoshi, (Screenplay) Yousuke Kuroda Cinematography: Makoto Ikegami Editor: Kumiko Sakamoto Studios: Bones Rated: Not Rated (PG~PG-13) All Might receives an invitation to an island called I-Expo, where an exhibit about Quirk Abilities and Hero Item gadgets. Of course, All Might bring Deku for the event and there, Deku meets All Might’s good friend and his daughter, Dave and Melissa. Before the opening day, villains hack the island under their control. With All Might in a pinch, Deku with the help of his classmates and Melissa work together to save the island and All Might. --------------------------------------------------CONTAIN SOME SPOILERS-------------------------------------------------------- Studio Bones did it with an amazing movie, ‘My Hero Academia: Tw...
Genre: Animation, Adventure, & Comedy Director: Masaaki Yuasa Writers: (Novel by) Tomihiko Morimi, (Screenplay) Makoto Ueda Producer: Eunyoung Choi Editor: Akari Saito Key Animator: Shinya Ohira Music by: Michiru Ohshima Rated: PG-13 (Mild Nudity) A University Sophomore girl, ‘Otome’ has a long night partying while encountering interesting people who are all connected in a way. While ‘Otome’ has her own adventure, ‘Senpai’ an upperclassman who’s in love with ‘Otome’ and by any means try to seem like fate brought the two people together. --------------------------------------------------CONTAIN SOME SPOILERS--------------------------------------------------------